In the days of old master and mistress Stork Wolves friends, they always spend time together, one day invited the lady Wolves host Stork for lunch at his house.
"I hope you come, mistress Stork" said Mr. Wolf. "I will provide a delicious meat". Mrs Crane accepted the invitation and went to visit Mr. Wolf. Mr. Wolf has made a delicious kasha and served in a wide plate.
Mrs Crane pecking plate with a long beak, but he can not bite it kasha. until his head but still terpatuk stork lady can not bite kasha.
Meanwhile, Mr. Wolf ate with gusto until kasha asserted. kasha discharged after host Wolf said: "very pleasant lunch with you, I hope we can eat together anymore.", "Thank you for dining sianya host Wolves" Stork lady replied. "Tomorrow you must come to my house for lunch". "I'll come" said Mr. Wolf.
The next day when the Wolves host the lady came to the house Stork, he smelled a delicious aroma, the Wolves host the hearts of thinking "this is a delicious smell?? Certainly good food. When the lady serving Stork, he placed it on a long-necked pots and narrow-mouthed." Do not be shy host Wolves "lady crane allows.
Mr. Wolf tried to put his paw into the pot, but it did not work, then he tried to use his nose, the result is nothing he could only smell the delicious food. Then the lady Crane entered a long beak into the pot and eat all that delicious hidanagn.
When the food was gone, madam Stork said "It's nice you can visit me, hopefully we can do again soon". Mr. Wolf is very embarrassed and angry to hear those words lady Stork. kemuadian without a word master Wolves go.
Since then hostile Stork and Wolf.
(END)Posting From : (
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- Mochamad Riszal Pratama
- Ass.Terima Kasih telah berkunjung ke Blog ini.Kritik dan saran yang membangun, agar Blog ini dapat menjadi lebih baik. Wass.
Last Visit
12 November 2009
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